Recently, I have read an article about Children Development Index (hereafter - CDI). So, I think it's better for me to share the information with all of you... my friends...
'Save the Children UK' has introduced the first ever globally representative, multi-dimensional tool to monitor and compare the wellbeing of children. We have used it in more than 140 developed and developing countries across the world.
The CDI is made up of three indicators of three areas of child wellbeing. The indicators were chosen because they are easily available, commonly understood, and clearly indicative of child wellbeing. The three indicators are:
• Health: the under-five mortality rate (the probability of dying between birth and five years of age, expressed as a percentage on a scale of 0 to 340 deaths per 1,000 live births)
• Nutrition: the percentage of under fives who are moderately or severely underweight
• Education: the percentage of primary school-age children who are not enrolled in school.
It is important to stress that a low score is the best as it represents a low level of child deprivation, whereas a high score represents a high level of child deprivation and poverty. A zero score would mean that all children survive beyond their fifth birthday, all under fives are well-nourished, and all primary school-age children are enrolled in primary school. Conversely, a maximum score of 100 would represent a situation where all children under five were underweight, all primary school children were out of school, and under-fives were dying at the highest possible rate on the scale – that is, at a rate of 340 per 1,000 live births.
The CDI (2000 - 2006)
Rank Country Score
1 Japan 0.41
2 Spain 0.57
3 Canada 0.73
4 Italy 0.86
5 Finland 0.87
6 Iceland 0.88
7 France 0.91
8 United Kingdom 0.99
9 Germany 1.02
10 Norway 1.03
11 Netherlands 1.20
23 United States 3.88
24 Malaysia 4.11
137 Nigeria 58.47
Actually, I don't believe that Japan is number 1... the best place for children... until I found this article... I thought UK and US are better... However... Msia still in a good rank. Well done!..
For futher information, you can come across these websites: